Orlando Child Support Attorney

Experienced Legal Guidance for Child Support Cases in Orange County

The Marin Law Firm is your unwavering ally, dedicated to providing expert guidance in child support complexities. Our Orlando child support lawyers understand the emotional challenges, and we are committed to navigating this legal landscape with you. Prioritizing your child's well-being, we offer comprehensive support, ensuring that you comprehend the intricacies of child support in Florida.

Call The Marin Law Firm today at (407) 449-7804 or contact us online to schedule a meeting with our child support attorney in Orlando!

What is Child Support?

Child support is a legal obligation for one parent to contribute financially to their child's upbringing, ensuring the child's needs are met even in cases of separation or divorce. Child support aims to provide for the child's essential needs, including food, shelter, education, and healthcare. It is a fundamental aspect of family law that aims to safeguard the child's best interests.

At The Marin Law Firm, we recognize the significance of child support in securing a stable and nurturing environment for your child. Our experienced Orlando child support lawyers have the knowledge and skills to guide you through the legal processes, ensuring your child's welfare is prioritized.

How is Child Support Calculated in Florida?

Child support in Florida is usually calculated using strict guidelines, such as the child's annual health care costs and the number of overnight stays the child has at each parent's house.

It is essential to work with an attorney to ensure the correct numbers are fed into this calculation. Once these figures are set, the amount must be paid until the child reaches age 18. The amount can be modified by filing a motion with the court – The Marin Law Firm, can help you do this – but the amount must still be paid. Child support is one of the few obligations that can't be reduced or eliminated by bankruptcy or other means.

Ensuring Fair and Accurate Child Support Calculations

Calculating child support in Florida can be a complex process, and it's important to ensure that the amount is fair and accurate. Our experienced Orlando child support attorneys can help you navigate the guidelines and factors involved in determining child support payments. We work diligently to ensure that all income, expenses, and other relevant factors are properly considered to reach a just and equitable child support arrangement.

Our team can assist with:

  • Reviewing income documentation
  • Identifying allowable deductions and adjustments
  • Addressing special circumstances or deviations from guidelines
  • Modifying existing child support orders

At The Marin Law Firm, we are committed to advocating for the best interests of our clients and their children. Contact us today to discuss your child support needs and how we can help you navigate the legal process.

Commonly Asked Questions

Can child support be modified in Florida?

Yes, child support can be modified in Florida. If there is a significant change in circumstances, such as a change in income or the needs of the child, either parent can request a modification of the child support amount. It is advisable to work with an experienced attorney to navigate the legal process of modifying child support.

What happens if a parent fails to pay child support in Florida?

If a parent fails to pay child support in Florida, there can be serious consequences. The delinquent parent may face enforcement actions such as wage garnishment, suspension of driver's license, interception of tax refunds, and even contempt of court. It is important to address any issues with child support payments promptly to avoid legal repercussions.

Can child support payments continue after the child turns 18 in Florida?

In Florida, child support payments generally end when the child turns 18. However, there are exceptions such as if the child is still in high school and has not yet turned 19. It is important to understand the specific circumstances that may extend child support payments beyond the age of 18 and seek legal guidance if needed.

What factors can affect the calculation of child support in Florida?

Several factors can affect the calculation of child support in Florida, including the income of both parents, the number of overnight stays the child has with each parent, health care costs, and other specific expenses related to the child's well-being. It is crucial to ensure that all relevant factors are accurately considered in the calculation of child support.

Is it necessary to have a court order for child support in Florida?

In most cases, it is necessary to have a court order for child support in Florida. A legally enforceable child support order provides clarity and protection for both parents and the child. Working with a knowledgeable attorney can help ensure that the child support arrangements are formalized through the appropriate legal processes.

Helpful Resources

Factors to Deviate From Child Support Guidelines

Increasingly, parents are seeking to depart from child support guidelines because something else is happening in the child's life. Children with extraordinary medical, dental, educational, or other needs may require higher support. In Florida, it is not uncommon for talented kids to join traveling baseball teams or seriously study piano or ballet. These costly activities are essential to the child's future, and parents will be interested in seeking higher support. Before deciding to deviate from child support guidelines, consult with an experienced Orlando child support lawyer.

Modifying Child Support Orders in Orange County

Another reason to deviate is that the child is earning a significant amount of money somehow – working in a restaurant, helping with landscape work, making money as a model – and has enough income to pay for his or her expenses. Parents may then seek modification to a lower level of support.

Ordinarily, the court does not grant more than a 5 percent leeway from support guidelines. But in special cases like those mentioned, the guidelines may be set aside.

How important is child support in our society? It is one of few obligations that cannot be discharged in bankruptcy or contracted away. It can only be modified by a petition to the court that issued your divorcedecree. 

What Age Do You Stop Paying Child Support?

Determining the age at which child support obligations cease can be a common question. In Florida, child support typically continues until the child reaches the age of 18. However, there are exceptions. If the child is still in high school when they turn 18 and is expected to graduate before 19, child support may continue until graduation. Additionally, the court may order continued support beyond 18 if the child has special needs.

The Marin Law Firm understands the importance of clarity in child support matters, and our Orlando child support lawyers will provide you with accurate information and strategic advice. Whether you are the paying or receiving parent, we will work to ensure that the child support arrangement aligns with your family's unique circumstances.

Contact Our Orlando Child Support Attorney Today

Securing the proper child support arrangement is crucial for your child's well-being and both parents' financial stability. The Marin Law Firm is committed to guiding you through every step of the child support process, offering experienced legal representation tailored to your specific needs. Our Orlando child support lawyers bring knowledge and dedication to each case, safeguarding your child's future.

Contact The Marin Law Firm today if you are facing child support issues or need assistance establishing, modifying, or enforcing a child support order. Our team is here to provide you with the expert legal counsel and support you need during this challenging time. Trust us to advocate for your rights and your child's best interests.

Contact The Marin Law Firm today to schedule a meeting with our child support lawyer in Orlando!

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